Satisfied clients are our business. At Contech we have been both fortunate and proud to work with over 700 outstanding corporations and individuals helping to bring their vision to life by constructing exemplary spaces ranging in size from less than a few hundred square feet to over 90,000 square feet. Most of our clients are repeat business.
Our Clients
Proud to work with over 700 outstanding corporations and individuals

- Aon
- Abraxis Oncology
- Adler Professional Schools
- Affinium Pharmaceuticals
- Air Canada Pilots Association
- Allen & Miles
- Almad Investments
- Angoss Software
- Associated Engineering
- Axela Biosensors
- AvantDerm (Dermatologist Clinic)
- Aventis
- Baskin Financial
- BankNet
- Bell
- Bioscrypt
- Borea
- Bulloch
- Canada Customs & Revenue
- Canadian Sugar Institute
- Capgemini
- Catholic Principals Council of Ontario
- Centre Linguista
- Certicom
- CE Networks
- CET (Centre for Education and Training)
- CFIB (Canadian Federation of Independent Business)
- CFL (Canadian Football League Head Office)
- CIHI (Canadian Institute for Health Information)
- City of Mississauga
- CMT (College of Massage Therapists)
- CNC Global
- College of Optometrists
- Colliers
- Community Trust
- CPAC (Canadian Partnership Against Cancer)
- CPCO (Catholic Principals Council of Ontario)
- Crawford & Company
- Danone
- DealerFX
- Downtown Yonge BIA (Bus. Improvement Area)
- Easter Seals
- Five Star Feeling
- GeneNews
- Genzyme
- George Brown College
- Georgia Pacific
- Global Credit & Collections
- Hays Personnel
- Health Council of Canada
- Headcan
- Hoffman
- Honeywell
- Hunter Douglas (corporate office)
- Hunt Personnel
- Insception Biosciences
- Kaplan Educational Centres
- Kensington Capital
- Kids + Company Daycare
- LEGO Head Office
- LifeLabs
- Lock Search Group
- Lexmark
- Luminex Molecular Diagnostics
- Mainfreight
- Manulife
- Medical Pharmacies
- Menkes
- Mortgage Alliance
- Movado
- NexgenRx
- Nightingale Informatix
- Northrop Grumman
- Northwind
- Novartis
- Ocean Spray
- Ontario College of Family Physicians
- PEBC (Pharmaceutical Examining Board of Canada)
- Permul
- Plexxus
- Phonak
- Prospectors & Developers Assoc. of Canada
- Q4
- Remax
- Rio Novo Gold
- Royal LePage
- Sony
- Starbucks
- Stoakley Dudley
- SWI (System Ware Innovations)
- TDE International
- Teck Metals
- TICO (Travel Industry Council of Ontario)
- TLC Laser Vision
- TM Bioscience
- Toronto Commuity Housing (Office)
- Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corp
- Union Securities
- Wilkinson Foods
- Allied REIT
- Artis REIT
- Avison Young
- Cadillac Fairview
- Colliers
- Menkes
- Morguard
- Signet Group
- Starlight Investments
- Triovest